- Company Name: Appletree Childcare Centre
- Name of Manager: Karen Zupp
- Main Office Address: 1406 32nd Avenue, Vernon, BC, V1T-2H7
- Phone: 250-550-4471
- Email:
Operating Hours:
After school 2:30-5:30
Full Day Care 8:00-5:30
How children learn is equally as important as what they learn. Play is a favourite medium for learning.Play is the universal language of all children. It allows them to explore,experiment,create and develop new relationships with others in thier environment. In this afterschool care environment,safe,structured play activities will be offered in a safe,caring environment.
All the children attending are school age so they will already have had their share of formal”learning” for the day. We believe that afterschool care should be an opportunity for the children to interact and play in a safe environment while waiting for the arrival of their parents or disignated pick up persons. There will be daily opportunity for children to have structured and free play outside unless the weather is prohibitive.
Positive social experiences provide children with the opportunity to learn how to share,cooperate,respect and develop friendships. Children will learn to participate in groups,respectcultural similarities and differences.
Caregiver Responsibilities
1). To make sure the facilities and play areas are safe for children (ex: dangerous materials are kept out of reach, using safe toys and equipment, reviewing safety procedures with children – going up and down stairs, etc.)
2). To make sure the program provided helps children to stay healthy
3). To make sure that children are supervised at all times.
4). To notify parents/guardians of any health or other problems noticed with a child.
5). Call the parent or, if necessary, the ambulance if a child is ill or injured in such a way that requires immediate medical attention.
6). Develop and review a fire/hazard safety plan with children.
7). All staff meet licensing requirements and qualifications
8). To make sure there are appropriate qualifications for substitute caregivers and other employees and to notify the parents.
9). To have a written discipline policy acceptable under the Child Care Regulations and follow the policy.
10). To keep confidential all information received about a child or family.
11). Depending on the circumstances, the caregiver may give medication to the child upon receipt of a written permission from the parent.
Parent Responsibilities
1). To provide suitable outerwear and footwear.
2). To provide a healthy, suitable snack.
3). To drop off and pick up children on time
4). To inform the caregiver if the child will be late or absent.
5). To provide all information needed for the care and well-being of the child.
6). To let the caregiver know if the child has a communicable disease or has been in contact with such – including head lice.
7). To keep the child home if s/he is ill or to pick them up if they become ill at the facility.
8.) To let the caregiver know if there are any major changes in the child’s life.
9). To bring a change of clothes in case of accidents.
10). To pay fees on time.
Other Important Information
Reporting Child Abuse
It is the legal responsibility of all public members to report cases or possible cases of child abuse. If abuse is suspected, a report will be made to the authorities responsible.
Authorized pick-ups
Children will only be released to adults recorded on their registration form as ‘alternate adults authorized to pick-up.’ Please notify the facility if someone other than yourself is picking up for the first time. Even if an individual is authorized to pick up, they may be asked to produce identification if this is the first time. IF YOU WISH SOMEONE TO PICK UP YOUR CHILD WHO IS NOT ON THE AUTHORIZED LIST, PLEASE MAKE CERTAIN YOU CONTACT THE FACILITY. If staff is not informed, your child will not be released until confirmation is made.
Impaired drivers
If the staff has concerns about the condition of an adult who is authorized to pick up a child from this centre, the staff will ask the adult if they are alright to drive and offer to call a taxi or someone else on their contact list to pick up. If the parent insists on still driving their child, we are required to release the child but will also call the police. This is as per licensing regulations.
Dispute Resolution Process
Inevitably, whenever there are groups of people gathered, there will be conflict. The following is a dispute resolution process to be followed at Appletree.
Disagreement between parent and staff member.
A). Staff and parents will discuss the point(s) of disagreement. Staff may wish to have a manager present; parents may wish to have another person present for support or anyone else who is a stakeholder – ex: a representative of children and families. Staff members or managers will record a summary of the meeting. Copy provided for the parent. If the disagreement is not resolved at this level.
B). Owner will meet with parent(s) to discuss point(s) of disagreement. If the dispute involves a licensing issue, a licensing officer will be asked to attend a meeting as well as staff. Any licensing issues will be addressed in an appropriate fashion.
C). If there is still no resolution after this and licensing issues have been addressed, then termination of the contract will be considered.
Field trips
Parents will be notified by email about any field trips involving vehicle transportation. Parents will need to be to provide written permission. Walks within our neighbourhood may occur from time to time. Staff will leave a note on the door indicating where the group is and what time they expect to return, and the cell phone # where the care keeper may be reached if a parent picks up earlier than usual.
Discipline policy
Whenever children are in groups, disputes are inevitable. We believe, as childcare providers, to help children positively resolve their disputes and conflicts. If the dispute involves two children, we encourage the children to talk through their problems and reach a fair solution. i.e. – ‘each child plays with the new toy for 5 minutes, and when the timer goes, the other child gets to play with the toy.’ We believe it is the childcare provider’s responsibility to ‘manage’ the discussion process and make certain that a fair solution is reached.
We believe very much in positive reinforcement and provide encouragement and recognition for POSITIVE behaviours rather than focusing on NEGATIVE behaviours. Ex. When we see a child doing something ‘positive,’ we give verbal encouragement and, at the end of the day, let his/her parents know about the positive behaviour.
When a child refuses to follow a reasonable request from a childcare provider, we ask the child to please go to a quiet spot in the room, reflect and think through the situation, and the child may return to the group when s/he is ready to talk about the situation and appropriate solutions with the care provider.
Food Policy
We require parents to provide enough food and a variety from Canada’s Nutrition Guide. In the event a child does not have enough food or has forgotten to bring food – Appletree will provide food/snack based on Canada’s Nutrition Guide. This information will be provided to the parent as required by licensing policy, that any food provided by the daycare provider will be reported to the parent.
Parents agree to pay in advance with either electronic deposit at the first of the month. A $100.00 registration fee is required.
Parents will provide Appletree with banking information upon registration for automatic withdrawals on the first of each month.
Parents using childcare subsidies are responsible for assuring that subsidy is processed and received on time. Parents are responsible for full preschool/daycare costs until subsidy payments are received.
An NSF fee of $25 for the first offence and $50 for the second will be charged.
In the event of absenteeism NOT initiated by the caregiver or circumstances out of our control (infectious diseases, e.g., Covid, natural disasters, e.g. floods, wildfires, storms, earthquakes; human–caused disasters, e.g. shootings, acts of terrorism;) full payment is still required as our overhead costs are fixed.
Termination policy
Either party may terminate this contract by providing a month’s notice which must be given on the first of the month. Childcare fees till the end of the prepaid month will not be refunded to the payer. Any other prepaid amount will be refunded by e-transfer within 10 days after the letter of withdrawal or termination.
This contract may be terminated with 48 hours’ notice in the event of non-payment.
This contract may be terminated immediately if health and safety concerns exist for the staff or children under care. Childcare fees till the end of the prepaid month will not be refunded to the payer. Any other prepaid amount will be refunded by e-transfer within 10 days from the day of termination.
This contract may be terminated immediately by the centre if the child is unable to meet routine, safety requirements and daily expectations after 3 meetings with parents/caregivers. Childcare fees till the end of the prepaid month will not be refunded to the payer. Any other prepaid amount will be refunded by e-transfer within 10 days from the day of termination.
Emergency Evacuation Plan for Appletree Childcare Centre
In the event of a major emergency which requires the children attending Appletree to vacate the premises, the staff will head to the below locations.
BX: In a major emergency requiring the children attending Appletree to vacate the premises, the staff will walk the children to Tekmar, located at 5100 Silver Star Road. An alternative site, if required, would be Butcher boys, located at 4803 Pleasant Valley Road.
East Hill Community: In the event of a major emergency which requires the children attending Appletree to vacate the premises, the staff will walk the children to First Baptist center, 1406 32nd Ave. This is the designated primary site. An alternative site, if required, would be the Vernon Health Unit by vehicle. The address there is 1440 14th avenue.
Coldstream: In a major emergency requiring the children attending Appletree to vacate the premises, the staff will walk the children to Coldstream Municipal Hall, 9901 Kalamalka Road. This is the designated primary site. An alternative site, if required, would be Coldstream Elementary school, located at 10104 Kalamalka Road. If both of these are unsafe, we will go to NORD by vehicle located at 9848 Aberdeen road.
First Baptist: In a major emergency requiring the children attending Appletree to vacate the premises, the staff will walk the children to East Hill center 3605 12th street. This is the designated primary site. An alternative site, if required, would be the Vernon Health Unit by vehicle. The address there is 1440 14th avenue.
PL: In the event of a major emergency which requires the children attending Appletree to vacate the premises,the staff will walk the children to First Baptist Church located at 1406 32nd Ave. If it is necessary to go to the alternate emergency site, the Vernon Health Unit is located at 1440 14th Ave Vernon BC.
**If we have to evacuate the facility, staff will leave a note on the door informing parents of where we are.
** In an event that we need to evacuate out of Vernon all centers will go to Armstrong to 2845 Burns Ave to our out of town evacuate site.
Prepare, mitigate & respond (as required by licensing)
If a major evacuation is necessary, staff will do the following:
Review and make certain that all children are accounted for.
Bring children to the primary site by walking or driving, whichever is the most feasible and safest form of transportation at the time.
Bring along an emergency evacuation kit along with any medications (if needed) and emergency bookContact parents immediately with emergency cards.Follow directions, emergency coordinator. Release children only to authorized adults.
Continue to provide for the care and safety of the children as long as the situation requires.
Recover from any emergency (as required by licensing)
After the emergency is over, staff will do the following:
- Review the emergency process to see what, if any, procedure needs changing or modification. Communicate the situation to licensing.
- Address the facts of the particular emergency with the children in care and answer their questions in a sensitive manner.
- Bring parents together as a group and communicate/review the event with them.
- Review and communicate with parents individually if required.
- Continue to monitor children’s behaviour. Be sensitive. Communicate with parents if anxieties are still noted. After discussion with parents – recommend that they seek additional professional personnel trained in that particular emergency area for further assistance with their child.
- If required, have trained staff to attend the facility and explain, review the with children event and provide reassurance.
- Review and debrief with staff with a view to learning and improving. Use community resources and personnel as required.
- Appraise and update Licensing Direct on the situation.
*No emergency plan is foolproof due to the broad scope of the mandate. Therefore, it is imperative that staff keep in mind the following at all times:
-Do nothing which will place the children in harm’s way or potential harm.
-Do everything which will assure the children’s safety and well-being.
Our emergency bag has the following in it: radio, flashlight and batteries, solar blankets, first aid kit, toiletries, pen and notepad, activities for children, food, water, whistle, etc.